Thursday, March 27, 2008

AT&T hard to find Skilled Works to fill 5,000 JOBS

Anyone need a JOB, call AT&T and see if you have the Skills needed
for their job.

They are trying to move 5,000 jobs back from India and can't find enought
people to meet their current goal.

Many of our High Schools can't even turn out 50% of the students with the
skills needed to fill these jobs. Ever wonder why companies go over there
looking for workers? We even bring people into this country to fill jobs.

Wake Up America and smell the Roses, with so many of the people nearing
retirement age and the kids aren't ready to fill these jobs. Who is going
to get these jobs in the next few years.....???? Who

Great Interview with CEO AT&T Randall Stephanson
Yahoo News & Reuters

Bottom Line People, we are now have to complete to get these jobs in the USA or lose
out to the people of the world. Get your Kids ready to be winners in the global economy

Hank Dunckel Google Me Soon


michael curry said...

Great point Hank we are loosing jobs everyday...
Michael Curry - google me

Wavecritter said...

They are trying to move 5,000 jobs back from India and can't find enought
people to meet their current goal." Awesome statistical info, It is a sad fact.

Wyverex said...

Thank You so much for listening in on our show last night, you made my whole day!

John Raines said...

thanks hank for the post - all of your posts are interesting to read and think about