Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ICE chunk seven time LARGER than Manhatten Suddenly Collapses and a makes a BIG SPLASH

Is this really the result of Global Warming and Al Gore?

They say that much of the continent is not warming and some parts are even cooling,

"The western peninsula, which includes the Wilkins ice shelf, juts out into the ocean and is warming. This is the part of the continent where scientists are most concern about ice-melt triggering sea level rise."By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Tue Mar 25, 6:51 PM ET

We have had the MOST SHOW ever in Feb. 2008 in OHIO, so what does this all mean
to people they are trying to scare?

From what I have seen, Good OLD MOTHER Nature will have these cycles and there is nothing you or i can do about it in these times.

1 comment:

John Raines said...

i agree with u didnt they used to say not to fool around with mother nature ? john raines google me